
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire of 1911

Episode Notes

The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire burned for less than half an hour, yet its impact still smolders today. The tragic loss of 146 young immigrant workers spurred labor reforms, catalyzed the women’s garment industry union, and awakened government officials to prioritize fire safety across urban factories and buildings. Over a century later, the victims’ sacrifice reminds us of the often preventable perils faced by marginalized immigrant and working classes. Their legacy continues driving social consciousness and legal change around equitable protections, questioning the profits-over-people mentalities that dominated 1911 just as similar mindsets still dominate many industries now. By bearing witness to the terrified final moments of those seamstresses, jumpers, and fire victims, we uphold a duty to demand that no one enduring harsh labor conditions face such needless calamity again.